
Slovensko si štvrtýkrát volí europoslancov

Strany stavili na známe tváre a odborníkov O hlasy voličov sa uchádza rekordných 31 strán, čo je o dve viac ako pred piatimi rokmi. Do europarlamentu sa zrejme dostane najviac nových strán spomedzi ostatných členských štátov práve zo Slovenska, až štyri. Kým trio ĽSNS, koalícia PS a Spolu, a SME RODINA sú v Bruseli nováčikmi, […]


Case study Serbia

Public perception of EU integration After 10 years of submitting the membership application and more than five years since the opening of the negotiations, most citizens still support EU membership, but at the same time very little is known about the accession process and less than half would vote in the referendum. The rating of […]


Best of Danube: national hearing in Hungary

through tourism people-to-people personal contacts can be promoted and enriched leading to further development of trust, mutual respect and understanding Based on the positive results of civil society involvement in the preparations of the 6th Annual Forum of EUSDR (Budapest, 18-19 October 2017) a national hearing titled “The Best of Danube” took place in Budapest […]