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The 11th EUSBSR Annual Forum will be organised as a Virtual Event on 20 October 2020

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak and concerns regarding the situation later this year, the organisers decided to hold the Annual Forum virtually. It will take place online on 20 October 2020.

The format ensures that the communication and discussion of the EUSBSR and its future will continue despite changing circumstances. The absolute priority of the organisers is the health and safety of participants.

The 11th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is organized in an exceptional time. The Action Plan of the Strategy will be updated and the European Commission is coming forward with new initiatives such as the European Green Deal and many more.

Entitled Towards a Decade of Innovation and Sustainability, the main purpose of the Forum is to gather stakeholders and to discuss how to best cooperate within the EUSBSR framework and how to tackle topical challenges on a macro-regional level. Many challenges in the Baltic Sea Region are common for several countries and have a cross-sectoral nature. The solutions to these challenges benefit from being addressed together by various countries and sectors. The Annual Forum 2020 will facilitate a stronger dialogue among stakeholders from different countries and sectors. The aim is to form innovative constellations to find common approaches, which will contribute to the three objectives of the Strategy: (1) Save the Sea, (2) Connect the Region and (3) Increase Prosperity.

The new programme will be available later. For more please check:

As for the Annual Forum of the EUSDR, the Croatian organisers still hope to have an “offline” event in Zagreb, but the final decision will be taken later.

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