
“Citizens of macro-regions for a stronger Europe” is a project building on the still unused potential of the macro-regions of Europe. The 10 project participating civil society organisations from AT, DE, DK, FR, HU, IT, PL, RO, RS and SK cover in balanced manner all the 4 macro-regions: the Baltic Sea, Danube, Adria-Ionian and Alpine Regions.

The novelty of the project is that it brings together for the first time citizens’ organisations from all the macro-regions thereby increasing their potential of influencing decisions taken on regional and EU levels.

CSO and citizen involvement is assisted further by organising in public spaces six thematic events in six different locations:

  1. investing in democracy and values (Paris, 13-14 December 2018)
  2. human connectivity (Budapest, 14-15 February 2019)
  3. increased voters turnout at the 2019 EP elections (Ulm, 6-7 May 2019)
  4. discovering the value of citizens’ participation (Bucharest, 26-28 June 2019)
  5. challenging EU scepticism (Milan, 26-27 September 2019)
  6. creating citizens’ friendly EU institutions (Bratislava, 28-29 November 2019)

As appropriate the following issues will also be referred to during the debates in a macro-regional context:

Project partners:
AT The World of NGOs
DE Danube Connects
DK New Europe
FR Maison de l’Europe de Paris
HU Danubiana Network (coordinator)
IT European Movement Italy
PL Baltic Institute for Regional and European Concern
RO Pro Democracy Association
RS Local Democracy Agency Subotica
SK Slovak Foreign Policy Association

Read our Project concluding ideas booklet and our project info template.

The project is co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.

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